Standard predicates

This section describes the predicates that are included in py-predicate.

Set predicates

A collection of predicates that act on sets.


Return True if the values are included in the set, otherwise False.

from predicate import in_p

in_123 = in_p(1, 2, 3)

assert not in_123(0)
assert in_123(1)


Return True if the value is a subset, otherwise False.

from predicate import is_subset_p

sub_123 = is_subset_p({1, 2, 3})

assert not sub_123({0, 1})
assert sub_123({1, 2})


Return True if the value is a superset, otherwise False.

from predicate import is_superset_p

super_123 = is_superset_p({1, 2, 3})

assert not super_123({1, 2, 4})
assert super_123({1, 2, 3, 4})


Return True if the value is a real subset, otherwise False.

from predicate import is_real_subset_p

sub_123 = is_real_subset_p({1, 2, 3})

assert not sub_123({1, 2, 3})
assert sub_123({1, 2})


Return True if the value is a real superset, otherwise False.

from predicate import is_real_superset_p

super_123 = is_real_superset_p({1, 2, 3})

assert not super_123({1, 2, 3})
assert super_123({1, 2, 3, 4})


Return True if the values are not in the set, otherwise False.

from predicate import not_in_p

not_in_123 = not_in_p(1, 2, 3)

assert not_in_123(0)
assert not not_in_123(1)

String predicates

A collection of predicates that act on strings.


from predicate import is_alnum_p


from predicate import is_alpha_p


from predicate import is_ascii_p


from predicate import is_decimal_p


from predicate import is_digit_p


from predicate import is_identifier_p


from predicate import is_lower_p


from predicate import is_numeric_p


from predicate import is_printable_p


from predicate import is_space_p


from predicate import is_title_p


from predicate import is_upper_p


This predicate tests if for all elements in an Iterable, the enclosed predicate is True:

from predicate import all_p, is_int_p

# Predicate to test if all items in an iterable are of type int
all_int = all_p(is_int_p)

assert all_int([1, 2, 3])
assert not all_int([None, 2, 3])

The equivalent code without using predicates could be something like:

def all_int(iter: Iterable) -> bool:
    return all(isinstance(ele, int) for ele in iter)


This predicate ignores any arguments and always returns False:

from predicate import always_false_p

assert not always_false_p(13)

This might be the result of an optimization.


This predicate ignores any arguments and always returns True:

from predicate import always_true_p

assert always_true_p(13)

This might be the result of an optimization.


This predicate tests if for any element in an Iterable, the enclosed predicate is True:

from predicate import any_p, is_int_p

# Predicate to test if any of the items in an iterable is of type int
any_int = any_p(is_int_p)

assert not any_int(())
assert any_int((1, 2, 3))
assert any_int([1, 2, 3])
assert any_int([None, 2, 3])


This predicates tests if the argument is False.

from predicate import eq_false_p

assert eq_false_p(False)
assert not eq_false_p(True)

Note that this tests for the exact boolean value False. If you want to test for falsy values, see: is_falsy_p.


This predicates tests for equality.

from predicate import eq_p

eq_2 = eq_p(2)

assert eq_2(2)
assert not eq_2(3)


This predicates tests if the argument is True.

from predicate import eq_true_p

assert not eq_true_p(False)
assert eq_true_p(True)

Note that this tests for the exact boolean value True. If you want to test for falsy values, see: is_truthy_p.


This predicate can be used to wrap any (lambda) function:

from predicate import fn_p

square_ge_2 = fn_p(lambda x: x * x >= 2)

assert not square_ge_2(1)
assert square_ge_2(2)


This predicates tests for greater or equal a value.

from predicate import ge_p

ge_2 = ge_p(2)

assert ge_2(2)
assert not ge_2(1)


This predicates tests for greater than a value.

from predicate import gt_p

gt_2 = gt_p(2)

assert not gt_2(2)
assert gt_2(3)


This predicate tests if the value is of type bool. Only True if the value is either False or True.

from predicate import is_bool_p

assert is_bool_p(False)
assert is_bool_p(True)


This predicate tests if the value is of type Callable.

from predicate import is_callable_p

assert is_callable(is_callable)
assert is_callable(lambda x: x)
assert is_callable(str.upper)


This predicate tests if the value is of type complex.

from predicate import is_complex_p

assert not is_complex(1)
assert is_complex(complex(1, 1))


This predicate tests if the value is of type Container.

from predicate import is_container_p

assert is_container_p((1, 2, 3))
assert is_container_p([1, 2, 3])
assert is_container_p({1, 2, 3})
assert is_container_p({"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3})
assert is_container_p("one")  # a string is also a container!


This predicate tests if the value is of type datetime.

from predicate import is_datetime_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type dict.

from predicate import is_dict_p

assert is_dict_p({"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3})


This predicate tests if the value is of type dict and the key and values match the predicates.

from predicate import is_dict_of_p, is_int_p, eq_p

# test for dictionaries that have keys x and y. The values should be integers
predicate = is_dict_of_p((eq_p("x"), is_int_p), (eq_p("y"), is_int_p))

assert predicate({"x": 1, "y": 7})


This predicate tests if an iterable is empty.

from predicate import is_empty_p

assert is_empty_p(())
assert is_empty_p({})
assert is_empty_p([])
assert is_empty_p("")


This predicate tests for falsy values, for example False, “”, {}, [], 0, etc.

from predicate import is_falsy_p

assert is_falsy_p(0)
assert is_falsy_p({})


from predicate import is_finite_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type float.

from predicate import is_float_p

assert not is_float_p(3)
assert is_float_p(3.14)


This predicate tests if the value is hashable.

from predicate import is_hashable_p

assert not is_hashable_p({})
assert is_hashable_p("foo")


This predicate tests if the value is infinite.

import math
from predicate import is_inf_p

assert not is_inf_p(3)
assert is_inf_p(math.inf)


from predicate import is_instance_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type int.

from predicate import is_int_p

assert not is_int_p(3.14)
assert is_int_p(3)


from predicate import is_iterable_of_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type Iterable.

from predicate import is_iterable_p


This predicate predicate tests if the value if a list, where all items in the list conform to a given predicate.

from predicate import is_list_of_p, is_str_p

is_list_of_str = is_list_of_p(is_str_p)

assert not is_list_of_str(["one", "two", 3])
assert is_list_of_str(["foo"])


This predicate tests if the value is of type list.

from predicate import is_list_p

assert not is_list_p({1, 2, 3})
assert is_list_p([1, 2, 3])


from predicate import is_none_p

assert not is_none_p(13)
assert is_none_p(None)


from predicate import is_not_none_p

assert not is_not_none_p(None)
assert is_not_none_p(13)


This predicate tests if the value is of type Predicate.

from predicate import is_predicate_p


This predicate tests if value is a range.

from predicate import is_range_p

assert not is_range_p(0)
assert is_range_p(range(5))


This predicate predicate tests if the value if a set, where all items in the set conform to a given predicate.

from predicate import is_set_of_p, is_str_p

is_set_of_str = is_set_of_p(is_str_p)

assert not is_set_of_str({"one", "two", 3})
assert is_set_of_str({"foo"})


This predicate tests if the value is of type set.

from predicate import is_set_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type str.

from predicate import is_str_p


This predicate tests for truthy values, for example True, “foo”, {“foo”}, [1], 13, etc.

from predicate import is_truthy_p

assert is_truthy_p(1)
assert is_truthy_p({"foo"})


from predicate import is_tuple_of_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type tuple.

from predicate import is_tuple_p


This predicate tests if the value is of type uuid.

from predicate import is_uuid_p


This predicates tests for less than or equal a value.

from predicate import le_p

le_2 = le_p(2)

assert le_2(2)
assert not le_2(3)


This predicates tests for less than a value.

from predicate import lt_p

lt_2 = lt_p(2)

assert not lt_2(2)
assert lt_2(1)


This predicate tests for non equality

from predicate import ne_p

ne_2 = ne_p(2)

assert not ne_2(2)
assert ne_2(3)


Predicate that always returns True, but is useful for handling side-effects.

from predicate import all_p, lt_p, tee_p

log = tee_p(print)

all_lt_2 = all_p(log | lt_p(2))